How to launch on Product Hunt: a guide to success

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You’ve spent months, probably years, working on your idea and tweaking every little detail. By now, everything seems perfect, but the daunting question arises — how do you get your product noticed by others?

You’re not alone — many entrepreneurs, especially startups, face this challenge. The fact is that even if you have a world-changing software, many people may not know about its existence. The best way to get your product in front of people who matter, who will test it, and then spread the noise about your hard work is to try Product Hunt. In this article, we gathered all the important info to help you understand what this platform is about and how it can influence your business. 

Why should you use Product Hunt to promote your product?

Product Hunt is an influential and burgeoning community of early adopters, influencers, and tech enthusiasts who are constantly searching for the next big thing. Here, people love to discover new tools, products, and apps. If you successfully launch in this place, your product will gain massive exposure and momentum.

Launching on Product Hunt is about reaching people who genuinely care about your product, not just getting simple clicks.

Launching on this platform means tapping into a unique opportunity for widespread reach. Product Hunt attracts millions of users searching for innovative products and wanting to be the first to try new things. If your offering resonates with the community, you’ll receive unprecedented visibility from people interested in your product.

Another major perk is the chance to get under the radar of investors who frequently scout Product Hunt for promising new ventures. And if that’s not enough, launching here can also give your website a significant SEO boost, thanks to the platform’s high authority in the digital space.

How does the Product Hunt algorithm work? 

To join the Product Hunt platform, you need to post your product on a specific day and time. After that, it will appear in a general list on the platform, and users will have the opportunity to discover it, visit its page, comment, and vote. The more upvotes your product receives, the more visible it becomes, increasing your chances of success. Also, there are “hunters” — experienced Product Hunt users who submit your product. A well-connected hunter can boost a product’s visibility, helping you attract those important early upvotes.

So, once you decide to become a part of the Product Hunt community, you must know how the algorithms work. Even if this may sound like a small detail to you, it is exactly what lays the foundation for a successful release. 

The first thing to know is that the algorithm doesn’t treat all upvotes equally. Quality matters more than quantity. Upvotes from active and well-established users carry more weight than those from new accounts. This means a few upvotes from influential users can be more valuable than a large number from newcomers.

Moreover, how quickly you get upvotes matters. The sooner you start building momentum, the better your odds of staying at the top. We also recommend you get a consistent and steady flow of upvotes instead of a huge spike that quickly fizzles out. The platform’s algorithm strongly favors products that consistently gain traction.

Along with upvotes, the algorithm also looks at how engaging your product is. Are people commenting? Are they sharing? The more interaction, the better your product will perform. Also, you must ensure that your product gets different types of engagement from a wide range of users. This shows that your product has wide appeal.

Following the algorithm keeps you at the top
Following the algorithm keeps you at the top

How much traffic can you get?

You’re probably wondering, “How much traffic can I realistically get from a Product Hunt launch?” The answer varies depending on several factors, but let’s break down some numbers.

If your product cracks the top 5, you could see anywhere from 2,000 to 10,000 unique visitors on launch day alone. That’s a massive boost, especially if you’re just starting out. But it’s not just about the traffic — Product Hunt users are highly engaged, curious, and often ready to take action. If your product resonates with them, you could look at 5% to 15% conversion rates, turning those visitors into active users or customers.

The benefits don’t stop after launch day. If you nail your Product Hunt debut, you could continue to see traffic long after the initial spike. Products that rank well often get featured in Product Hunt’s daily or weekly newsletters, which means a steady stream of visitors could keep coming your way. If you’re successful, a slew of secondary benefits will follow — media coverage, social media followers, and even investment or partnership opportunities.

If you get your Product Hunt launch right, you’re setting yourself up for ongoing visibility and growth.

Pre-launch: how to prepare for the big day

Now that you’re excited about what a Product Hunt launch can do for you, let’s get started on how to make it happen. The success of your launch depends on how well you prepare, and in the next sections, we’ll cover what you need to take care of before your big day.

Focus on conversions, not upvotes

Don’t get caught up in the chase for upvotes — let’s be real, they are just a means to an end. Instead, target conversions, whether they are sales, downloads, or signups.

Before you do anything else, answer one important question: What defines success to you? 1,000 email signups? 500 new users? Set clear, measurable goals so that you know exactly what you’re aiming for. Also, keep in mind that once your Product Hunt page drives traffic, your landing page must seal the deal. Make sure it’s designed to convert — clear CTAs, no distractions, and a compelling value proposition.

More so, don’t wait until launch day to figure out what happens next. Have an email sequence ready to go, set up retargeting ads, and think about how you’ll keep new users engaged after they’ve checked out your product. After all, when you’ve got attention from Product Hunt, your goal is to turn it into action.

Upvotes are cool, but conversions are the real win
Upvotes are cool, but conversions are the real win

Build a sufficient audience before launching

Your launch won’t succeed in a vacuum. That’s why you must have people ready to support you the moment you go live. To start with, find out where the target audience is most active and begin engaging with them. Platforms like Startup School and Indie Hackers are havens for curious minds looking to invest in the next big thing. 

Our little tip for you — don’t miss out on Slack channels like,,, and Also, there are some Facebook groups for upvoters and exchange clubs that you can join. And don’t forget about Reddit communities such as ProductHunters, IMadeThis, newproducts, and betatests.

Using a “coming soon” page can make a big deal in generating some noise inside the community. Share it with your audience to get them excited about what’s coming next. But don’t just drop links to your product and call it a day. Instead, actively participate and contribute to the community. Offer help, share valuable insights, and make genuine connections. These relationships will pay off when it’s time to ask for support.

Regular updates on social media platforms like Twitter and LinkedIn can help greatly. Share behind-the-scenes content, product previews, and anything else to keep your audience engaged and generate anticipation. After all the steps (and more) are done, use Preview Hunt, which allows you to effectively fine-tune your campaign before the big day. It’s the best way to gather feedback and refine your approach for optimal results.

Prioritize the quality of engagement

On Product Hunt, it’s not just about how many people are talking about your product but also what they’re saying. In short, it’s quality engagement that matters. Sure, you can ask everyone you know to upvote your product. But the algorithm is a lot smarter, and if it detects a surge of low-quality votes, it’ll hurt your rankings. So, focus on fostering genuine and organic engagement.

To achieve that, you can encourage your supporters to leave thoughtful comments instead of just a simple upvote. Ask them to share their favorite features and how they plan to use your product. The more engaging the conversation, the more exposure your product will receive. But don’t just watch the comments roll in. Be active — respond to questions, thank people for their feedback (even if it’s negative), and keep the conversation going. 

One of the tips we can advise you to do is when you receive a particularly insightful comment, highlight it or give it an upvote to grab others’ attention. This will help keep the conversation positive and maintain the momentum.

Optimize your page content

Your Product Hunt page is your first impression, so make it impressive. Among the things people will pay attention to is the tagline that stands in the first line. In just a few words, you can clearly and catchily communicate your product’s value and leave a lasting memory. Your product description must also be understandable and focus on how it benefits the user instead of just mentioning the features. 

While working on texts, try to give them a personal touch. Share a little about why you created the product with intricate details that may catch the visitor’s attention. A personal story will humanize your product and help people connect to it on a deeper level. Remember to add high-quality product pictures and videos. For them, include descriptive captions, making it easier for others to understand your content and reinforce your key messages.

A well-optimized page attracts attention and helps your audience understand why they should invest their time in your product. If you’re facing hurdles doing it yourself, hiring expert content marketing services can do wonders for your page.

Collaborate with Product Hunt insiders

To give your launch a boost, consider getting a little help from Product Hunt insiders, popularly known as “hunters.” Use sites like Upvote Bell to engage with top hunters who might be interested in your product. As a general rule of thumb, look for those who have launched similar products or possess a following that matches your target market.

When reaching out, be clear about why your software is a great fit for them to hunt. Highlight what makes your product unique and how it can benefit their followers. If possible, offer something in return for their help — this could be early access to your product, a shout-out in your marketing materials, or a special discount.

Once you established connections, work closely with your hunter to plan the promotion and timing of your launch. A well-coordinated effort can make all the difference in your product’s visibility. After the launch, thank your hunter privately and publicly. Having a great rapport with them could lead to future collaborations.

Plan the email timing

Email timing can be a decisive factor in your product launch, and you must get it right. Warm up your email list at least a week before the launch — let people know what’s coming and why it matters. This is also the perfect time to share your “coming soon” page.

On launch day, don’t just blast your entire email list at once. Instead, stagger your emails throughout the day. This ensures a consistent flow of visitors and engagement. Here’s a tip: send your first batch early in the morning and follow up with additional batches as the day goes on.

In addition to your general email list, send personalized emails to key supporters, influencers, or anyone else who can help amplify your launch. After you’ve done the job, send a follow-up email to share the results and thank everyone for their support. This will keep your audience engaged and build goodwill.

With email timing, you can maximize the impact of your Product Hunt launch and keep the momentum going throughout the day.

Choose the right time to launch

When planning your Product Hunt launch, it’s crucial to pick a deadline that avoids US holidays, as the platform gets a significant portion of its traffic from this country. While Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays are popular for high engagement, they also come with more competition. Mondays and Fridays tend to be less competitive, and weekends even more so, making Saturday or Sunday a potential option for standing out.

As a part of preparation, do research and try to estimate when your target audience is most likely to be online. For instance, if you’re aiming for a global community, an early morning launch will be ideal. If your users are region-specific, adjust your time accordingly.

Target the right day, capture the right audience
Target the right day, capture the right audience

Based on various communities, launching your product at 12:01 a.m. PST can maximize the time available for gathering upvotes and rising on the leaderboard. Plus, this early start allows you to capture attention across multiple time zones simultaneously.

Before you settle on a launch date, check the market to see what else is scheduled for that day. If you’re going up against a highly anticipated product, consider rescheduling to avoid being overshadowed. A smart move could be picking a quieter day to ensure your product gets the attention it deserves.

Write a maker comment

Your “maker comment” is your ticket to connect with the Product Hunt community on a personal level. To do this, introduce yourself and your role in creating the product. Explain the inspiration behind your solution and the problem it aims to fix. People connect with a good story, so use this chance to show the human side of your brand.

It will be nice to briefly highlight what makes your product special. Focus on how it helps users and how it can make a difference in people’s lives. More so, to make a bit of noise, invite the community to share their thoughts and feedback. This encourages engagement and shows that you’re open to suggestions and eager to improve. Finally, thank people for their support. A little gratitude does wonders for building goodwill and motivating further participation.

Launch day: what should you do to ensure success?

The big day has finally arrived, and it’s time to make your mark. Details matter, so keeping everything running smoothly is key to a successful launch. From timing to promotion, each step plays a great role in capturing your audience’s attention. Ready to dominate the day? Here’s how to set the stage for a flawless launch.

Go live with your product

The first few hours of your launch are critical. From the moment your product goes live, closely monitor its performance. Track comments, upvotes, and overall engagement to examine how well it’s resonating with users. Respond to comments as soon as possible. Early engagement can set the tone for the rest of the day, encouraging more users to interact with your product. 

To drive traffic to your Product Hunt page, use all your available channels — social media, email, and community forums. The more eyes your product attracts, the greater your chances of climbing the leaderboard. And don’t disappear after the initial push. Stay active throughout the day, continuing to promote your product and engage with the community. A consistent presence can help maintain momentum and keep your product visible.

Promote your launch and interact with the community

Promotion doesn’t end once your product is live. For better engagement, we advise you to roll out a social media blitz across all platforms. Share your Product Hunt link and encourage your followers to support your launch. Use creative hashtags, dynamic visuals, and persuasive copy to grab attention.

On launch day, don’t forget to use an embed on your web page that shows live upvotes. It’s a great way to help your community know about the launch, plus it creates some excitement and shows visual engagement since the upvotes are live-updating.
— Rajiv Ayyangar, CEO of Product Hunt

Continue interacting with communities where you’ve already built relationships. Post updates about your launch, share your Product Hunt link and invite members to join the conversation. Also, reach out to influencers in your industry who might find your product appealing. A mention or retweet from a well-known figure can lead to a surge in traffic on your Product Hunt page.

And if you’ve prepared content like blog posts, videos, or infographics, now is the time to share it. Information that educates users about your product and adds value can spark interest and increase engagement.

Aim to increase upvotes and visibility

Upvotes are crucial for maintaining visibility on Product Hunt, so it’s important to know how to maximize them. Start by encouraging your supporters to share your Product Hunt link with their networks — the more shares, the more potential upvotes you can gather. Throughout the day, highlight your progress by sharing updates, like celebrating milestones such as reaching 100 upvotes on social media, which can inspire even more people to join in. 

As we talked earlier, staying engaged on your Product Hunt page is key. Don’t forget to regularly check in, respond to new comments, and upvote thoughtful responses. Additionally, keep an eye on the competition. When a similar product is launching on the same day, monitor their progress and be ready to adjust your strategy if needed. If a competitor starts gaining traction, it’s time to ramp up your promotional efforts to stay ahead.

Support from your network amplifies your reach on Product Hunt
Support from your network amplifies your reach on Product Hunt

Post-launch: what happens after and how to keep the momentum going?

If you’ve launched, congratulations! But don’t rush to relax. The real work is just beginning, and it’s essential to keep the momentum alive. 

At first, capitalize on the buzz generated by your Product Hunt launch and reach out to press outlets and bloggers. Send them a summary of your big-day results and any key milestones reached. This can help you secure additional coverage and keep the momentum going. Continue actively participating in discussions, host webinars, or create a dedicated space for your users to connect. A strong community will support you in the future and provide ongoing response and advocacy for your product.

And speaking of feedback, it is also an invaluable thing. Use it to enhance your product and communicate these changes to your users. This shows that you’re listening to their needs and are committed to making your product the best it can be. 

Additionally, consider launching on other platforms similar to Product Hunt. This strategy can help you tap into new audiences and maintain the excitement around your product. Platforms like BetaList, Indie Hackers, and Reddit’s startup are great places to continue building your presence and expanding your reach. 

Once all of this is covered, start planning for your next release. Whether it’s a major update, a new feature, or an entirely new product, keep your audience engaged by letting them know what’s coming next.

Our Product Hunt experience — what we did right (and what we learned)

Our Halo Lab team also had an experience working with Product Hunt and wanted to make a big impact. The main challenge was to attract designers and drive Jony Eye plugin downloads, and a successful Product Hunt launch was key to achieving this. So, we started to prepare. 

Preparing for launch 

One month before the launch, we got our team involved early by asking them to create Product Hunt accounts so their votes would count. We also made it a point to support other makers on Product Hunt and engage in discussions, building some goodwill and visibility ahead of our launch. Behind the scenes, our team prepared all the necessary visuals, text, direct message templates, reply templates, and social media posts. We even created a “coming soon” page and reached out to our LinkedIn contacts to start spreading the word.

Launch day

On launch day, our team knew the first hour was critical, so we focused our activities during this period. The initial push paid off — Jony Eye started strong, holding second place for the first two hours. To keep social media buzzing all day long, a Product Hunt badge was added to the Halo Lab website. 

For amplified reach, we used several accounts to send “upvote please” messages on LinkedIn, which helped us connect with a large number of people. We also shared our launch in Product Hunt upvote groups and made sure to respond to comments immediately.

The results

Our efforts resulted in some impressive numbers, with mentions and reposts spreading our launch across various platforms. We reached over 34,000 views, and 8.3k users engaged with us, with 1,800 joining on launch day alone. By the end of the day, Jony Eye secured a #7 rank, which we were proud of.

However, our team learned some important lessons. We launched on a Friday, thinking it would be less competitive, but we underestimated our competition. All Halo lab workers also realized the importance of staying visible. While we did well with PR groups and consistent posting, our experts missed out on some public exposure, particularly on Facebook and Reddit. Securing these spots in advance would have made a difference. 

Finally, we noticed that we were holding steady at 5th place until 10 p.m., but when we stopped responding to comments, our ranking slipped. The lesson here is clear — staying active and engaged throughout the entire day of your launch is essential to maintaining your position. This experience taught us valuable things, and we’re ready to apply these insights to our next launch and make it even more successful.

Keeping Jony Eye in the game until the last minute
Keeping Jony Eye in the game until the last minute

Bumps, jumps, and big wins

Based on our own experience, you can see that things don’t always go perfectly during a Product Hunt launch. And that’s okay. The real trick is not to stress out but to learn from those hiccups and keep moving forward. With all the tips and advice in this article, we hope you can handle the complexities and keep pushing forward. 

At Halo Lab, we’ve navigated the twists and turns of launching on Product Hunt, and we’re here to help you do the same. Thanks to the right preparation and mindset, your launch can still be a big win, even if everything fails to go exactly as planned. For the best possible results, consider our expert support on your Product Hunt launch, and let’s take your product to new heights together.

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