Effective web design for startups: practical tips & examples

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Every startup begins with a spark of inspiration. Your idea may strike like lightning or gradually take shape, but one thing is certain: a compelling website is a must-have for a startup.

Launching your startup with a website that captivates visitors from the moment they land on it may sound like a dream. But the truth is, with the right strategies, it’s entirely achievable. A website that tells your story, showcases your vision, and converts visitors into loyal customers is within your reach. To help your startup shine like that, today, we’ll explore practical tips and share our own examples of effective web design.

Why should you focus on quality startup web design?

When you visit a page on the internet, and it turns messy or boring, what do you do? You leave immediately, right? The same goes for a startup’s web design. If your website doesn’t captivate visitors instantly, they’ll move on just as quickly.

A well-thought-out, user-friendly design, or landing page for startups, makes all the difference. It boosts user experience, allowing visitors to easily find what they need and take action. Whether it’s signing up for a newsletter, making a purchase, or reaching out for more information, a great design will guide them through the process.

First impressions matter, and a polished website makes your startup get noticed by the crowd.

12 practical tips for designing a website for startups

Working on a startup idea is exciting, but with countless new websites popping up daily, yours needs to stand out. Knowing some tips and tricks, you can move forward with confidence and become a competitive player in the market. Let’s unpack them.

1. Develop a strong, clear hero message

When someone lands on your homepage, you’ve got just a few seconds to grab their attention. That’s why your hero message needs to be short, snappy, and straight to the point. Let visitors know exactly what your startup does and why it matters. Skip the jargon and keep it simple. Placing a powerful message right at the top will help you make people curious and eager to learn more.

Your hero section should also include key details that highlight your value. Use a catchy headline, a brief subheading, and a clear call-to-action. Maybe it’s a “Sign up now” button, a “Learn more” link, or an invitation to get in touch. The aim is to engage visitors right away and guide them to the next step.

2. Ensure your design is user-friendly

At some point, you’ve probably encountered a website so confusing that you immediately wanted to leave. Don’t let your startup’s site be one of them. A user-friendly design means your visitors can find what they need without any hassle. Keep your layout clean and simple with easy navigation, where everything is in its place and easy to find.

To see if the website design works, we recommend showing the layout to your colleagues or friends and asking if they find anything frustrating or confusing. Fresh eyes can often spot issues you might have missed. Their feedback can help you refine the design, making sure it’s intuitive and user-friendly for everyone.

A simple and clean design makes it easy for users to navigate
A simple and clean design makes it easy for users to navigate

3. Combine text, images, and videos to present your product more effectively

For some people, seeing something is better than reading about it. To stay in line with this, combine text, images, and videos on your website to make your product much more engaging. Text provides the details and context, but images and videos capture attention and illustrate your product in action.

By the way, make sure you use professional images for which you have permission. If you’re in doubt, it’s safer to pay for pictures, take them yourself, or use free photo stock platforms. Just remember to check the rules and credit the source properly.

4. Make the startup website responsive

People browse the internet on all sorts of devices — smartphones, tablets, laptops, you name it. Hence, it is so important to have a responsive web design. Adaptive layout means your site looks and works great on any device someone is using. No more pinching and zooming to read text or navigate your platform. It automatically adjusts to fit any screen, providing a smooth experience for everyone.

Plus, responsive web design isn’t just for your users — it’s a win for your search rankings. Google loves mobile-friendly websites and ranks them higher in search results. So, if your site is responsive, it’s easier for potential customers to find you.

5. Guarantee your startup website is simple and has clear navigation

We’ve already discussed that easy navigation is a top priority, but how do you achieve it? Start by using filters, tags, and similar elements that help visitors find what they’re looking for without any hassle. For instance, filters can allow users to sort products by price, category, or popularity, making their search quick and efficient.

Another tip is to keep your menu straightforward and organized. Avoid overwhelming visitors with too many options. Instead, group related items together and use clear, descriptive labels. A clean, intuitive layout guides users naturally through your site, ensuring they have a pleasant browsing experience.

The easier it is to navigate, the more pleasant it is for visitors to stay and explore.

6. Add testimonials and social proofs to build trust

Trust is everything these days, especially online. One of the easiest ways to build it with your visitors is by adding testimonials and social proof to your website. When people see that others have had great experiences with your product or service, they’re more likely to give you a chance. Share quotes from happy customers, case studies, or even video testimonials. Real stories from real people can make a huge difference.

But don’t stop there! Social proof can also include awards your startup has won, logos of well-known clients or partners, and any media mentions. Positive reviews on Google or other platforms are super powerful, too. Showing that others trust and love what you offer makes new visitors more likely to trust you as well.

7. Use colors and fonts that accent your brand identity

Before designing a website for your startup, consider the colors and fonts that best represent your brand. Maybe it’s a unique combo of vibrant orange and deep green or a minimalist pairing like sleek black and white. Whatever you choose, make sure it fits your brand’s vibe. And, if you decide to turn to startup branding services, the pros can help you pick the perfect palette and typography.

To create the ideal look, keep everything consistent with your identity. Use the same colors and fonts across your marketing materials and website. This small but noticeable touch helps users remember your business better. For more insights, check out our “10 startup branding tips to start off well.”

8. Use clear and compelling CTA

A clear and compelling call-to-action (CTA) guides visitors on what to do next. It pushes each person to take the next step, whether it’s signing up for a newsletter, making a purchase, or contacting you for more info. Make it pop with bright colors, bold fonts, and persuasive words that catch the eye.

More so, your CTA needs to be specific and action-driven. Instead of a boring “Click here,” go for something like “Start your free trial” or “Join our community.” This way, people know exactly what they’ll get when they click. Sprinkle your CTAs throughout the site so they’re always easy to find when your visitors are ready to take action.

Specific actions drive more engagement
Specific actions drive more engagement

9. Offer benefits, guarantees, and trials

Every visitor to your site is looking for something useful. For this purpose, clearly highlight the benefits of your product or service. Let people see how it solves their problems or makes their lives better. Whether it’s saving time, cutting costs, or boosting productivity, make those benefits stand out. Real-life examples or testimonials can help illustrate these points effectively.

Also, offering guarantees and trials can significantly boost confidence. A money-back guarantee can ease any doubts about trying something new. Free trials or demos are even better, letting people experience your product firsthand without any risk. When you show that you stand behind your product with confidence, visitors are more likely to give it a try.

10. Utilize white space to highlight important messages

Sometimes, less is more, especially when it comes to web design. Utilizing negative space, or the empty areas around your content, can make your website look clean and focused. It helps to highlight important messages and key elements on your page, making them stand out without overwhelming your visitors.

Don’t be afraid to leave some areas of your website empty. This ensures that your users aren’t bombarded with too much information at once. Strategically placed white space can guide the visitor’s eyes to the most important parts of your page. With contrasting shades, you can even create a dynamic effect, accentuating a call to action, headlines, or product features.

11. Add simple forms for customers

If you want to keep your customers happy, make sure the forms on your website are simple and easy to use. Whether it’s a sign-up form, a contact form, or a checkout process, keep the number of fields to a minimum. Only ask for the information you truly need. This makes it quicker and less frustrating for your visitors, increasing the chances they’ll complete the form.

To make your forms even more friendly, use clear labels and helpful placeholders. Guide your users through the process step-by-step, and consider adding a progress bar if the form is a bit longer. Don’t forget to include a clear call-to-action button like “Submit,” “Sign up,” or “Get started.” The easier you make it for your customers to fill out forms, the more likely they are to engage with your startup.

12. Monitor user behavior and improve startup web design

Once your website is live, the work doesn’t stop there. It’s crucial to monitor how users interact with your site to identify what’s working and what isn’t. Use tools like Google Analytics to track user behavior, such as which pages are most visited, how long visitors stay, and where they drop off. This information can provide valuable insights into areas that need improvement.

Regularly reviewing and analyzing this data allows you to make informed decisions about your web design. Maybe a particular page isn’t getting as much traffic as you’d hoped, or users are leaving your site at a certain point in the navigation. By understanding these patterns, you can tweak your design to enhance user experience, making your site more intuitive and engaging. Continuous improvement based on real user feedback is key to your startup’s success.

The best startup websites for your inspiration

Looking for inspiration can be quite challenging, especially when it comes to a startup’s website. To help you catch a creative spark, we’ve put together a collection of our design works. Each layout represents different industries and shows how the combination of colors, graphics, and special elements can successfully interact with each other. So, let’s take a look. 

1. Mighty buildings

Mighty Buildings is one of the first companies to start 3D-printing homes, using advanced technology to create residential modules with complex shapes that traditional methods can’t achieve. Their innovative approach to homebuilding sets them apart in the industry.

It’s easier to attract and convert visitors with clean, clear designs.
It’s easier to attract and convert visitors with clean, clear designs.

When designing a website, our goal was to attract customers and convert them into leads. We built the main page with a focus on clean lines and clear visuals to present the information effectively. High-quality images and production videos were strategically placed to showcase the aspects of 3D-printing technology for potential customers.

One standout feature we implemented was interactive metrics scattered throughout the site. These numbers serve to build user trust by providing transparency and highlighting key achievements. Additionally, our team added an eye-catching, oversized cursor that appears when browsing the photo gallery, immediately drawing attention and enhancing user engagement.

For your startup, consider using visuals to tell your story. Photos and videos can effectively communicate your product’s unique features and benefits. Moreover, showcasing behind-the-scenes processes that clients might not fully understand can add a personal touch to your site. This way, you’ll become a step closer to potential users and build a stronger connection.

2. LinkByCar 

LinkByCar is a SaaS startup that has developed a tool to collect, process, and aggregate data from vehicles. Using advanced AI technology, it can predict the behavior of any vehicle to ensure you safely reach your destination.

A dark theme with striking contrasts is a great combo
A dark theme with striking contrasts is a great combo

To resonate with the target audience, we focused on cars and related attributes, featuring photos of people in urban environments and driving vehicles. Recognizing this specific industry, our team incorporated linear shapes with various twists and illuminations, symbolizing roads. These design elements are strategically placed throughout the site to guide visitors with ease. The main color theme is dark, creating a striking contrast and giving the impression that all the elements are radiating against the background. 

When designing your startup’s website, think about how visual metaphors can enhance the user experience. If you’re working within a specific niche, use unique elements that best represent your business. For more recognizable markets, don’t hesitate to come up with creative ideas that will definitely leave a lasting impression on your visitors. 

3. Skillex 

Skillex is an example of a platform where people from around the world can gain practical learning experiences. To appeal to this diverse crowd, we designed it to be friendly and relaxed. Our team used round shapes for different elements on the website, including buttons, photos, videos, and more.

Minimalistic design is a perfect choice for a learning platform
Minimalistic design is a perfect choice for a learning platform

With simple fonts and gentle pastel colors, it was easy to create a calm and inviting atmosphere where every user could feel welcomed. Plus, the hero section includes a single, user-friendly input field for quick and efficient client inquiries. This minimalistic approach made the platform perfect for learning and interaction.

If you’re designing for a similar audience, think about how your website can help users feel at ease. Also, consider how to make it appealing for both newbies and experienced users. Friendly elements like emojis or gifs mixed with a calm color scheme can be a big deal. 

4. Blitz

Blitz is a showcase of a creative agency that pushes the boundaries of imagination. To craft a unique design for their website, our team decided to take an unconventional approach. We framed the main page with a bold black line that runs throughout the site, creating a sense of boundaries within which the content is displayed. The bold headline with a striking message immediately draws attention and makes visitors stop.

Bright gradient CTAs add a pop of color
Bright gradient CTAs add a pop of color

To break up the black, white, and gray palette, we added bright elements like gradient CTA buttons and graphic overlays on photos. These pops of color bring energy and highlight key actions, making the site both visually appealing and highly functional.

For your startup, you might experiment with the contrast of black-and-white colors paired with bright elements. Just a touch of brightness here and there can make the design attractive without overwhelming users with a busy color palette. 

5. RiseUp

RiseUp layout is designed to reflect the financial industry. Their page is sleek and polished, designed to grab your attention and spark interest right away. With a modern look and a standout graphic showing a rise in monthly income, it instantly gives off vibes of success and growth. The minimal text makes it super easy to understand what they’re all about.

Easy-to-find buttons lead to quick sign-ups
Easy-to-find buttons lead to quick sign-ups

We added clear, easy-to-find CTAs encouraging visitors to sign up or download the app. These buttons are placed in a prominent area, making it a breeze to get started. To add a personal touch, our team included photos of real users who are happy with the service. This little detail adds a sense of personalization and trust to the design.

Capturing your audience’s attention can be done in various ways. If you want to make something unique for your startup’s website, look for elements that create a personal feel. This could be images of satisfied users, or even real photos and videos of your team and processes. Fun facts or stories can also help maintain a lively and engaging atmosphere.

6. Birdyst

Birdyst’s page does an excellent job of showcasing the benefits of the medical drone delivery service. The design is clean and structured, making it easy for users to understand and interact with the content.

Clean and structured design facilitates interaction
Clean and structured design facilitates interaction

When designing the page, we decided to highlight the key benefits of medical drones: faster delivery, enhanced safety, and remarkable efficiency in hard-to-reach areas. The text is clear and direct, ensuring that visitors quickly grasp the advantages of the service. Prominent calls-to-action at the top and bottom of the page invite users to get more information and download the app, making engagement simple and straightforward.

In your own website design, it’s crucial to clearly convey who you are, what you offer, and the benefits you bring. To pinpoint these advantages, you can use various elements, such as interactive blocks that change color when hovered over or a concise yet informative list with emojis or graphics. Don’t limit your creativity — explore different options that best showcase your unique value.

7. Monly

Monly reflects a smart hiring application that helps companies efficiently find highly qualified talent. To make the design light and pleasant, we chose a unique combination of colors that are both interesting and harmonious. The site features additional graphic elements and photos that don’t distract but instead create a balanced effect.

Rounded shapes add a charming touch to the site
Rounded shapes add a charming touch to the site

To enhance user-friendliness, we eliminated sharp edges and used rounded shapes throughout the design. This form choice simplifies the look and gives the website a special charm, making it more inviting and easy to navigate. Additionally, we added a social proof block with a 4.9 average rating from users to show newcomers they can trust and engage with the platform.

Using rounded corners gives you a lot of flexibility in styling your website. For example, you can arrange elements one after another with a smooth scrolling feature to save space. Or, like in Monly’s design, you can use an unconventional grid to place elements of various sizes and positions. There are plenty of options, and the choice is yours to make.

8. Agritech

Agritech is about sustainable harvesting, and the design shows a focus on efficiency and quality. The page is simple and clean, kicking off with a strong main message: “Harvesting for minimum losses of grain.”

Balanced feel with an open, breathable design
Balanced feel with an open, breathable design

First, we highlighted the big benefits of working with Agritech, like precise, smooth deliveries and a guarantee of high-quality harvests. The layout uses plenty of white space, which separates the elements nicely and gives the page a balanced feel. This minimalist approach makes each section stand out without overwhelming visitors, keeping information super easy to take in.

If you’re designing your startup’s website, never overlook the power of white space. You don’t need to cram every bit of information into the page. Instead, let your design breathe by leaving some open areas. And remember, white space doesn’t have to be white — it can be any color that suits your style and branding.

9. Surreal

To capture the essence of the art world, we went with a unique and artistic layout for Surreal’s page. Right off the bat, you’ll see the screen is split vertically into two sections, each with its own distinctive color.

Artistic vibe without loud CTA buttons
Artistic vibe without loud CTA buttons

This design choice helps organize important info and makes it super easy for users to navigate from one section to the next. We skipped the loud CTA buttons and chose a more laid-back style with pastel tones to keep the artistic vibe we were aiming for.

When planning your website design, consider experimenting with different grid structures. Popular options include column, modular, and hierarchical grids, which allow you to arrange content in various ways. Using these grids can help you create a well-organized and visually appealing layout that really enhances the user experience.

10. Arch-Bress

Arch-Bress is an example of a platform where architects can create diverse designs based on client requirements. For this website, we went with a standout element where the graphic smoothly transitions into a real photo. This creates a unique visual effect that grabs the viewer’s attention right away.

Unique elements make users impressed
Unique elements make users impressed

Our team kept the overall layout minimalist and clean, without any extra clutter. There’s a bold CTA, clear text that gets the company’s main message across, and some key metrics that show off its success. This simple design keeps the focus on what matters most.

For your startup’s website, think about using some unconventional elements to make users say “wow.” Animations and sliders for switching between sections can add a dynamic touch to your site. People love interactive features, so incorporating elements that move or change when they hover over them can keep visitors engaged and excited.

11. Musai

We designed the Musai layout to showcase cutting-edge AI music generation services. Our team decided to put the spotlight on a bold headline that takes up a large portion of the page, using plenty of white space to make it stand out. There are no confusing elements — everything is clean and straightforward. We framed the headline in a bold style and added 3D elements to give it an interesting twist.

3D elements are sure to enhance the visual appeal
3D elements are sure to enhance the visual appeal

Right after this standout element, Halo Lab designers included blocks featuring the top songs of the week. There’s also an additional section on the side with “Sounds of spring” that users can check out by clicking on a black arrow. To maintain a balance, we created sections with sharp corners and rounded buttons.  

Visual appeal always attracts people, and to enhance this effect, you can incorporate 3D elements into your startup’s website design. Making these objects interactive — allowing users to spin, change, or interact with them in any way — can definitely grab attention. However, remember that large, high-quality items can affect your site’s loading speed, so don’t overdo it. 

12. Runco

For the design of the fitness website Runco, we went with a block-style layout. Our team organized information by theme, with each section having its own dedicated area. To keep things interesting, Halo Lab designers gave each block a distinct color. More so, when looking at the layout, it’s easy to grasp at least five different shades throughout the site.

Right colors make your site memorable
Right colors make your site memorable

The addition of the black outline around each block helps users easily distinguish between sections and absorb the information better. We also opted for rounded corners in this layout, which harmonize nicely with the font choice, giving the site a smooth and cohesive look. Plus, there’s a QR code for quick app downloads — super handy for getting clients on board fast.

Never be afraid to experiment with the design of your startup’s website, especially when it comes to colors. As our experience shows, sometimes even seemingly mismatched hues can work perfectly together and become that memorable element your visitors will love. To choose your combinations, use various color wheels and selection tools, or simply follow your instincts.

13. Blissful

Blissful embodies our design vision for meditation practices. Given the theme, our main goal was to exude peace from the very first click. To achieve this, we used a calming blue color throughout the website.

Gentle gradients set the tone for a website
Gentle gradients set the tone for a website

Our team also added a white gradient to keep the background from feeling too flat. The main focus is on the headline and the CTA button, which are immediately noticeable when viewing the layout. Additionally, we included a design element in the shape of a lotus flower that partially overlays the headline text. This creates a sense of depth and invites users to explore further.

Before you start designing your startup’s website, think about the tone you want to set. To create a peaceful vibe, use soothing colors and gentle gradients, like we did with Blissful. If you’re aiming for something more dynamic, go for vibrant hues and striking contrasts. For inspiration and ideas, you can visit various platforms like Dribbble, Awwwards, or Behance

14. Develop Health

Develop Health is a US-based company dedicated to improving medication utilization infrastructure. Their mission is to streamline healthcare processes and enhance patient outcomes using innovative AI technology.

Swiss-inspired minimalism for a clean look
Swiss-inspired minimalism for a clean look

To capture Develop Health’s essence, our team focused on simplicity and minimalism inspired by the Swiss style. We kicked off with a clean, two-page site that uses social proof elements to highlight the company’s expertise and the quality of its products.

Our approach to graphic materials was all about keeping it simple but impactful. Halo Lab designers came up with two key compositions — an orange circle and a yellow rectangle. These dynamic shapes are strategically placed throughout the website and symbolize how the company tackles challenges. Importantly, we’ve incorporated photos of the target audience — doctors. These images make it clear that the site is health-focused. 

Even simple shapes can add unique features to your website. Try combining different compositions, using lines, dots, and other graphic elements. To make the brainstorming process easier, sketch your ideas on paper first. This way, you can better convey your vision while experienced designers will bring it to life on the screen.

15. Wrangle

Wrangle is a powerful management tool developed by Wranglesoft, a North Carolina-based company. It helps companies map and automate their employees’ work, integrating with Slack, Microsoft Teams, and other business messaging apps.

Structured elements and clear texts bring clarity
Structured elements and clear texts bring clarity

Our team created a dynamic web design that impressed both our client and their audience. We mixed structured website elements with creative details, including custom illustrations and animations. Through extraordinary geometric accents, we aimed to match Wrangle’s energetic spirit. At the same time, a well-structured design system helped us convey an atmosphere of credibility and trust.

Notably, the hero section immediately showcases the product in action within Slack, helping users understand its application and context at first glance. Also, our team added clearly listed benefit points with check marks, enhancing user engagement by highlighting the advantages right away.

For your startup website, begin by outlining the essential functionality it needs. This might include extra buttons, necessary tools, dropdown menus with must-have pages, and more. Having a clear list will help designers understand how to best build the layout, ensuring you get the results you’re looking for.

Wrapping up

It’s hard to deny that a startup’s website plays many roles at once. It serves as a presentation to potential users, a hub for your brand’s story, and a platform to showcase your products or services. This is where you catch people’s interest and start building those lasting customer relationships.

Crafting a website that balances all these roles takes creativity, functionality, and some smart thinking. That’s where our Halo Lab team comes in. We design and develop websites that look good and work well, no matter which industry you operate in. So, if you’re ready to drive success, drop us a line today.

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The site developed by Halo Lab projected a very premium experience, successfully delivering the client’s messaging to customers. Despite external challenges, the team’s performance was exceptional.
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Thanks to Halo Lab's work, the client scored 95 points on the PageSpeed insights test and increased their CR by 7.5%. They frequently communicated via Slack and Google Meet, ensuring an effective workflow.
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Viktor Rovkach
Brand Manager at felyx
The client is thrilled with the new site and excited to deploy it soon. Halo Lab manages tasks well and communicates regularly to ensure both sides are always on the same page and all of the client’s needs are addressed promptly.
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