Exploring the seas with OceanStream hydroacoustic data software

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Back-end Development of an ocean exploration applicationBack-end Development of an ocean exploration applicationBack-end Development of an ocean exploration application

The top player in the French transportation market owing to the power of vehicle-generated open data.

LinkByCar is a SaaS startup that created a tool to collect, process, and aggregate data from vehicles. With the use of AI technology, it can predict the behavior of any vehicle — all to ensure you safely get to your destination.

The company cooperates with popular car manufacturers, including Stellantis, Mercedes, and BMW. With an extensive network already in a place, they have serious potential to expand across all of Europe.

A new era in marine data analysis by PineView and Halo Lab collaborative solution

PineView is an independent software engineering consultancy based in Norway. Since 2014, they specialize in full-stack web application development, deployment, and testing. The team aimed to create an open-source platform dedicated to ocean research.

This company focused on innovation in hydroacoustic data analysis to provide tools for real-time data analysis in remote marine areas. By doing so, they contribute to the scientific community and pave the way for discoveries and solutions in ocean research.

  • Data Analytics
Product development
Link to Service
4 months
  • 48,000+
    vehicles LinkByCar gathers data from
  • 75+
    types of data collected by vehicles
  • 18
    car brands they collaborate with
  • 10
    years of experience within the market
  • 215.06%
    growth over the last 3 years
the need for software to centralize and efficiently process vast data

Insurance company managers and automotive corporations typically face challenges with complex software. That’s why the process of collecting data from vehicles can be a bit of a headache.

Real-time vehicle tracking, predicting potential problems, and accident reconstruction — all of these had to be considered in the product design. A perfect software offers everything in one place, simplifying things for those who aren’t fluent in the language of technology.


Fishermen and ocean scientists must scan water bodies to identify fish species and quantities. All this work is done from ships with modern echosounders, which produce a dense stream of information along with location, time, and speed.

When multiple ships are involved, the challenge grows. This scenario demands software and hardware solutions to collect the vast amount of data and send it to a centralized system for efficient processing and analysis.

structured web design workflow to ensure consistency and quality
structured web design workflow to ensure consistency and quality
structured web design workflow to ensure consistency and quality

It was a fully fresh perspective in every sense.

The research showed that competitors’ websites somewhat lagged behind the latest trends, which didn’t align with the technological and innovative nature of this business.

Hence, we aimed to convey the client’s digital orientation through a practical and rigorous branding approach, complemented by bright accents.

15 logo sketches
2 days spent on research
  1. Discovery. A user comes across a link or post in Discord.
  2. Saving to profile. The user can save these links/posts to their profile.
  3. Organizing content. They can create new collections or use existing ones to organize these links or posts.
  4. Easy retrieval. Later on, users easily find a specific link or post, either through a search, within a specific collection, or in their profile.
  5. Sharing. If they want to, users can share links, posts, or collections with others.
  6. Collaboration and discussion. Everyone can engage in discussions about what’s shared and even add new links to collections if they have access.
For a brand to speak with one voice, it needs a brand book to set the tone.

Azure IoT capabilities form innovative solution

We had a basic version of the software for receiving and analyzing data in real time from ships on the open sea. The system utilized Azure IoT, a robust IoT platform that enabled centralized control of a multitude of devices.

As this platform supports the IoT Edge technology, we were able to monitor info directly on the IoT device. This allowed us to process the data before transmitting it to the IoT Hub, enhancing the existing system’s capabilities.

Data processing before transmission to the IoT Hub
Our journey began with a simple vision: to harness Azure IoT's potential in creating an interconnected fleet.

Smart IoT Edge solution with a new framework

We had access to the source code for the client’s IoT Edge modules. At first, our team set up a test version of the system using virtual machines for device emulation and then proceeded to select a technology stack.

Initially, we considered a web server and client in TypeScript, with Node.js on the server side and React for the client. However, we opted to explore the R Shiny framework, a new territory for both our team and the client.

Smart IoT Edge solution with a new framework in discovery phase
We needed a client/server web framework to provide a working prototype within a strict timeline — and R Shiny helped us to deliver.

A versatile CLI tool for efficient management

To streamline the creation, update, and removal of Azure resources and IoT Edge Devices, we developed a command-line utility. At first, Halo Lab experts created a proof-of-concept version of this CLI tool.

Our team used technologies such as Node.js, TypeScript, and Azure REST API. As a result, this tool supports multi-language module development, cross-architecture compilation, and deployment to IoT devices.

developing a CLI tool for efficient management
Azure REST API is able to cover 100% of the infrastructure automation needs — although not without a cost in a development overhead.

Educational article

Our team prepared an article on deploying Azure IoT Edge modules. It included our developed visualization module with insights on emulating IoT Edge devices using virtual machines.

As well, Halo Lab experts provided the client with an overview of the practical side of IoT implementations and a thorough guide to mastering the emulation process.

full back-end development of OceanStream app in 4 months


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Halo Lab provided brand analysis services that helped us with better understanding our market type, niche, customers, and competitors. They designed our whole SaaS platform, leveraging both UI and UX expertise. Furthermore, they used React to help us build a customer-facing dashboard that connects to our existing backends.

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Logo creation

Revolutionizing on-ship data analysis and visualization

creating a monitoring system for IoT Edge modules for visualizing local data

Local data visualization

We aimed to develop a solution for local data visualization on the ship, independent of an internet connection to the central IoT Hub. It involved creating an intuitive monitoring system for IoT Edge modules and incorporating the ability to visualize business data exchanged between the modules and the Hub. Plus, it was crucial to make the dashboard displaying this data accessible across the ship’s local network.

Azure IoT infrastructure automation

Azure IoT infrastructure automation

Our task was to simplify the setup of Azure infrastructure and facilitate the deployment of IoT Edge modules on devices and emulators. The existing methods required numerous routine operations, either through the Azure interface or via the command line. We want to bring together all the necessary functions to manage Azure IoT infrastructure in the most efficient and user-friendly way possible.

Logo creation

Tech solutions that drive the development process

development of R Shiny module for real-time data transmission

R-Shiny module development

For the IoT Edge device, we developed an R Shiny module. This technology collects information from several other modules, including the ship’s current coordinates, its movement trajectory, echosounder data, and identified fish species. All of this data is displayed in a web browser for local users to have convenient access to necessary information in real time.

Docker solution for deploying IoT Edge modules

Docker solution

We used Docker due to its capabilities in containerization and orchestration to achieve a streamlined and consistent deployment of IoT Edge modules across various environments. The Docker network feature facilitated communication between these modules, while Docker volumes provided a solution for sharing essential files among the modules.

Logo creation

Driving development forward with top tech solutions

using Node.js to accelerate development


For this project, Node.js was an invaluable technology, offering rapid prototyping and a vast library repository, which greatly accelerated development. This tool is executed fast, making it a robust solution for real-time applications. Furthermore, Node.js has relatively modest server requirements, reducing infrastructure costs and ensuring our system is efficient and scalable.

using TypeScript for more structured and reliable development


The use of TypeScript brought significant benefits, primarily due to its robust type system. This facilitated the code support, making future changes and updates manageable and less error-prone. Overall, TypeScript contributed to a more structured and reliable development process.

Azure REST API for management of cloud infrastructure and IoT deployments


Leveraging the Azure REST API allowed us to harness the full spectrum of Azure’s capabilities. This adaptability proved crucial in customizing our IoT solutions. Its exhaustive feature coverage and versatility provided the flexibility required for precise and efficient management of our cloud infrastructure and IoT deployments.