Unlocking the full potential of the Umano product — from design to development

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design & development for the analytics company Umano by Halo Lab

The top player in the French transportation market owing to the power of vehicle-generated open data.

LinkByCar is a SaaS startup that created a tool to collect, process, and aggregate data from vehicles. With the use of AI technology, it can predict the behavior of any vehicle — all to ensure you safely get to your destination.

The company cooperates with popular car manufacturers, including Stellantis, Mercedes, and BMW. With an extensive network already in a place, they have serious potential to expand across all of Europe.

Tech analytics company that provides real-time insights into teamwork practices for continuous growth

Umano is an Australian tech company that aims to enhance cooperation between team members in different spheres. Its platform provides all the necessary data for analyzing current work on projects, leading to overall success.

With a “plug and play” approach, its space integrates with existing tools like Jira, Slack, and GitHub. This data fuels automated guidance, helping self-managed agile teams continuously improve and reach peak performance.

Information technology
Link to Industry
  • SaaS
UX/UI design
Link to Service
Product development
Link to Service
17 months
  • 48,000+
    vehicles LinkByCar gathers data from
  • 75+
    types of data collected by vehicles
  • 18
    car brands they collaborate with
  • 25+
    agile success metrics to visualize and measure teamwork
  • 8+
    integrated trusted delivery tools

Insurance company managers and automotive corporations typically face challenges with complex software. That’s why the process of collecting data from vehicles can be a bit of a headache.

Real-time vehicle tracking, predicting potential problems, and accident reconstruction — all of these had to be considered in the product design. A perfect software offers everything in one place, simplifying things for those who aren’t fluent in the language of technology.


Teams across companies face hurdles like manual reporting, disconnection in distributed work, and under-resourced managers. These challenges hinder them from achieving excellence and sustainability. Here’s where the need for a single, intuitive tool encompassing all the vital data for work efficiency becomes apparent.

workflow process with research, UI/UX design and development phase

It was a fully fresh perspective in every sense.

The research showed that competitors’ websites somewhat lagged behind the latest trends, which didn’t align with the technological and innovative nature of this business.

Hence, we aimed to convey the client’s digital orientation through a practical and rigorous branding approach, complemented by bright accents.

15 logo sketches
2 days spent on research
  1. Discovery. A user comes across a link or post in Discord.
  2. Saving to profile. The user can save these links/posts to their profile.
  3. Organizing content. They can create new collections or use existing ones to organize these links or posts.
  4. Easy retrieval. Later on, users easily find a specific link or post, either through a search, within a specific collection, or in their profile.
  5. Sharing. If they want to, users can share links, posts, or collections with others.
  6. Collaboration and discussion. Everyone can engage in discussions about what’s shared and even add new links to collections if they have access.
For a brand to speak with one voice, it needs a brand book to set the tone.

Transforming insights into the impact

Clear interfaces are crucial for user acceptance across any product. Recognizing that visual representation aids comprehension, we prioritized integrating clear, informative tables and graphs without visual noise.

Due to the platform’s feature-rich nature, our focus was on intuitive navigation. Detailed toolkit and settings capabilities became key elements in achieving this, ensuring users could easily access and utilize the vast functions.

7 competitors analyzed in detail
14 days spent on research
Competitor web analysis for a clear interface

Innovative design approaches

Concept 1: Minimalist brilliance

Inspired by a well-organized folder, our first concept features clean lines and gradients, enhancing visual focus and clarity. With this variation, we offered streamlined application functionality without clutter.

Concept 2: Evolving elegance

Once most of the app’s functionality was complete, we created the second concept with wireframes for new features. Here, we used a clean white backdrop and kept visual noise to a minimum, emphasizing the elegance of the interface.


User experience designed for agility

Our goal was to give Umano a unique look and feel that pleases the eye. For this, we worked on gradients, applying them to the main page background while keeping other areas clean and minimalistic.

To help users see their high and low efficiency areas, we added clickable items with dynamics figures in the metrics blocks. For better data viewing, we rebuilt tables and charts in a clear layout without distracting elements.

Clean and minimalist UI/UX design for agility by Halo Lab
We wanted a design that wouldn’t overwhelm users with data. Clear visuals with data became key — like a cheat sheet for peak performance.
Clear data visuals for performance in UI/UX design by Halo Lab

Implementing new features

In fruitful collaboration with the client, we added new features to his product. We developed the Project Overview page, where users can add or edit their projects. Next, we combined it with the Metric page of graphs and tables.

To enable teams to analyze and discuss the work progress in one place, we created pages such as the Active Cycle and Macro Cycle. These cover Scrum and Kanban iterations and also help teams plan their steps in the perspective.

Implementation of platform features to improve user analysis
We amplified the platform with program-generated tips, making it easier for teams to analyze how to improve their results and future projects

Revamping the platform with innovations

The product was initially hosted on AngularJS, but for more flexibility, we migrated it into React. To make further decisions on the function’s usefulness, our team took the PoC approach, testing features online by real users.

While preserving key functions, we also added custom solutions. Our developers displayed AngularJS and React projects in one application to exchange data between them, using a method for state synchronization.

Synchronization of AngularJS with React for feature integration in development phase
Our custom solution, such as app-wide synchronization of AngularJS with React, helped ensure a smooth integration of new features.
Revamped platform with innovative solutions during the development phase

Ensuring flawless functionality

We kicked off QA with Static and UI/UX Testing — scouring specs and ensuring every pixel and interaction matched design intents across devices. To automate testing and ease workloads, we used MSW, Jest, and Testing Library tools.

Then, our team tackled Functional, Non-Functional, and Regression Testing, verifying that every feature performed perfectly. With testing docs, we kept our process clear and on track, ensuring no bugs made it through the net.

Static and UI/UX testing to ensure functionality by QA team

Unfolding features release by release

For the initial release, we launched what the client had, blending old and new designs. It was tricky as we juggled between two frameworks, keeping Angular and React versions linked by a web of redirects until all was ready.

With each release, we added core features like Tracker, Planner, and Reviewer in Active Cycle, Team Vibe with polls, and Macro Cycle with its toolset. This established a solid foundation for future enhancements.

UI/UX design and development of Umano’s project by Halo Lab’s release steps
Concept 01
Concept 02
No items found.
No items found.
No items found.

This project was exhilarating! Our team actively used the product during development, enhancing our workflow and understanding its functionalities. The challenge lay in managing features. We carefully planned their hierarchy, and by the end of the design phase, we had several solutions, choosing the best one without regrets.

Halo Lab provided brand analysis services that helped us with better understanding our market type, niche, customers, and competitors. They designed our whole SaaS platform, leveraging both UI and UX expertise. Furthermore, they used React to help us build a customer-facing dashboard that connects to our existing backends.

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Logo creation

Crafting a design with detailed functionality

UI design with a vibrant palette and modern Suiss Int’l font for a sleeker look
Colors & typography

Vibrant palette, modern fonts

We took cues from the client’s logo colors and tweaked them for a sleeker look. As a result, our evolved palette exudes positivity with a hint of sophistication. To balance these tones, we chose the Suiss Int’l typeface for its crisp lines and unobtrusive letterforms.

Redesign of data tables and charts for effective UI/UX design
Metrics & charts

Data storytelling with visual clarity

We redesigned over 15 unique tables and customizable charts that bring productivity metrics to life. Our mission was to squeeze mountains of data into sleek spaces that would be responsive across all screens. To avoid confusing users, we also added unique shades for each metric.

Using of dynamic animations for engaging UX design by Halo Lab
Animation & graphics

Additional elements for engaging design

To spice up user interactions, we included dynamic animations like hover effects and interactive spinners. Plus, our team sprinkled abstract illustrations for some pages (e.g., error state), balancing compositions and guiding users through the platform’s pages and settings.

UX design for a user-friendly workspace, enhanced with settings
Workspace and its settings

Comfort space for bringing ideas to life

We enhanced the client’s initial version of Workspace by improving its navigation and adding settings. Here, users with organizational roles of Admin, Project Owner, or Manager can seamlessly manage projects, sources, spaces, and contributors and integrate needed issue trackers.

Logo creation

Agile toolkit for modeling teams’ performance

Creation of Active Cycle and Macro Cycle pages for plannning sprints and goals

Active Cycle & Macro Cycle

We created these pages so that users can review the current cycle and move on to widgets or charts. Here, they can find the three main tools: Planner, Tracker, and Reviewer, which allow them to plan agile sprints or long-term goals, such as quarters, half a year, or a year one.

Development of the Planner feature by Halo Lab team


Our team built this feature from the ground up with the customer’s developers. It has three components: the Planning Guide helps teams create plans, the Planning Inputs widget shows the numbers needed, and the Completion Predictions table predicts completion times.

Development of the Team Vibe feature for performance inspect

Team Vibe

We developed this feature so that teams could inspect all aspects of their performance. It consists of a poll rating and open-text questions so that users can share their feelings in the context of their engagement and joint work experience and thus be prepared to take precise actions.

Development of Team Input feature for meeting be Halo Lab team

Team Input

To enhance the team experience, we introduced Team Input. This feature serves as a traditional tool for retrospective meetings. For this, it helps teams capture their reflections by asking them three questions about how they think they performed for the iteration just completed.

Using of Ojo Insights for metric analysis in development

Ojo Insights

While working closely with the client on the platform’s toolkit, we expanded the automated assistant Ojo. It analyzes metrics and gives hints on where to investigate and take action to level up. For best guidance, we embedded Ojo Insights in Reviewer for Active and Macro Cycles.

Using Goals, Guardrails, and Practices components for performance improvements

Goals, Guardrails, and Practices

We introduced these three components to help teams stay focused on continuous improvement. Goals set the target scores for metrics, while Guardrails define ranges for feature performance, and Practices codify the team’s way of working.

Logo creation

Stacking success with top tech

Using TypeScript for managing application updates during development


TypeScript gave us professional control over our data-heavy application. It ensured that updates were consistent across the project as our API evolved with new features. Plus, it made sure every piece of data was right where it needed to be.

Using React for an accelerated development process and reduced bugs


We chose React for its widespread popularity and the wealth of ready-to-implement solutions it offers, supported by a vast community ready to tackle any issue. This technology significantly sped up our development process and reduced potential bugs.

Product development with React Query & Axios for app’s performance

React Query & Axios

React Query and Axios streamlined our backend interactions, adding swift caching and simplifying API requests. This dynamic duo reduced server load and sped up page responses, acting like a turbo boost for our app’s performance.

Stripe migrated by the development team for secure payment processing


Stripe was our go-to for payment processing, as per the client’s requirement. We migrated the logic from the previous app, ensuring a smooth financial transition. Thus, the solution kept the cash flow intact and decked out the new app with top-notch transaction security.

Development choice: MobX for efficient state management


MobX was our choice for managing auxiliary states within the app. While all state managers perform similarly, MobX stood out for its straightforward, efficient state orchestration, keeping our app’s data flow clean.

Using Day.js for managing dates and times, and saving coding hours


We used Day.js as it is adept at handling the tricky business of dates and times. By offloading the intricacies of date manipulations to this nimble library, we saved valuable coding hours and drastically cut down on bugs, keeping our timelines in check.

Using SCSS modules for clean code by the Halo Lab development team

SCSS modules

SCSS modules helped us encapsulate component aesthetics into standalone files. They boosted app optimization and reduced cognitive load, allowing developers to focus purely on logic. Plus, they ensured our styles were as clean and contained as our code.